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A member registered Nov 26, 2021

Recent community posts

AHHHH The progress screen makes me so excited! The new logo and art also look absolutely lovely 😍Hmm I would say for the raffles Twitter or Tumblr? Maybe this time depending on where you get more engagement. I'll definitely be entering either way! 💕I hope you all had a nice rest and welcome back

You're doing awesome and have put  lot of work into thinking about the best way to release this game. I can't wait for the Kickstarter whenever you decide to release it! Like others are also saying though take a break and look after yourself, we'll all be waiting ❤


Be safe traveling back home and enjoy your family! Also I respect the amount of CGs you guys have put in for all the important moments *immediately goes and saves Zanas'* 😍

If it's possible, you could do a little bio for each character with that info in a tab in the main menu and maybe label when info gets spoilerish. Personally the only info I'd like to know is pronouns, because I agree with finding things out through the story. With bios, people can read if they want and ignore if they don't.

However, I'm not a game dev and don't know how much work that would be. 

Also thank you for the fanservice!